The first day of summer - sun, pool parties, barbecues on the back lawn - so much to look forward to. Mowing the underutilized front lawn is not something to look forward to!
A young couple in Sausalito, CA had those same ideas in May. Their back lawn was plenty big enough for their two young children to play on. The front lawn needed to go.
Studio Wildwood redesigned the front to have seasonal color and large evergreen trees. They'll be able to cook with the Rosemary and Sweet Bay [Laurus nobilis]. The Bee's Bliss Sage along the flagstone path has great fragrance. The Matilija Poppy [see May's The Statement Poppy], Pacific Iris, and Pink Currant provide color throughout the season.
They'll definitely be spending more time relaxing this summer instead of mowing.
A young couple in Sausalito, CA had those same ideas in May. Their back lawn was plenty big enough for their two young children to play on. The front lawn needed to go.

They'll definitely be spending more time relaxing this summer instead of mowing.
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