Spring Color in Sausalito, CA

Every so often it is nice to visit an old Wildwood installation and see how the plants look.  Recently, we stopped at a garden in Sausalito, CA.  The property sits at a fairly high elevation [for Marin] on a street called Cloud View.

Our curiosity was high before the visit because many of the plants went in at a very young age last summer.  And the bulbs were totally dormant so it was anyone's guess what they would look like [well, we had an inkling].

The view to the left shows a species Rhododendron [davidsonianum] in bloom and daffodils at their peak.  An interesting pairing.  The deep bronze Asian Lilies are about 18" tall now.  They should bloom after the sage [just beginning] and before the Matilija Poppies. 
